. Thank god at least we have a bigger house now. The basement is a life saver.
Here is a little picture run down of our last couple of weeks.
How handsome is this guy??
Isn't this Mags so cute. I thought she looked so pretty Christmas morning. We borrowed her Grandma Cathy's hot rollers and fixed her hair. She thought she was hot stuff.
Look at the one thing Sam got for Christmas that he liked. A dog that barks and it's tail wags. He would have definetly been happier playing with the boxes and torn up wrapping paper.
Quick photo shot before I let her rip in to the gifts.
Look at the crazy hair he woke up with. I don't think it has ever stuck out like that but it made for some good pics. Haha.
Anyways that is a brief wrap up of our Christmas. It was so nice and went so fast. The kids get so worn out because we run around so much all the time over the holidays it makes it tough. But we had no completely terrible outbursts or anything like my last post so that makes the holidays a success to me. Lol!!
New Years Eve we entertained Keiths family for the evening. Had food and played wii games. It was a good time. I don't think I have stayed up till midnight in a long time. We were up till 2 (including Maggie the boys went to bed early though) and the boys still got up by 7. I guess that was a reminder of why I shouldn't stay up till 2. Lol! It was worth it good times and good company.
I got a new camera and a new laptop so I should be able to blog easier now. Well once I get all this new stuff figured out. That could possibly take a minute. I am beginning to feel more like my parents all the time. ( You know what I mean technologically challenged.) I am going to work on that. Maybe that could be my New Years resolution. Anyways looks like you all had good holidays. Take care all.
I wanna see you in all these pics. Your beautiful face needs to be documented!!!