So... We have had a crazy week this week. Nothing terribly exciting or monumental but just the usual craziness. This weather has really done a number on my kids. None of them are terribly sick but all of them just feeling under the weather. I took all 3 of them to the dr. on Monday (which is a serious chore) and they all just have nasty drainage which in turn has given them all a sore throat. How fun is it when all your kids are cranky at one time... That is the joy of multiple children it seems like when one gets it it goes through them all. They seem to be feeling better and acting like themselves more all the time.
Some reallly good new is that Keiths grandma (Let me give you a little background.. She was having a really bad week acting terribly confused and having trouble walking for about a week. So Keith and I took her to the hospital and they said she had had a small stroke and has been on the 4th floor for rehab) is back to her old self again and should be coming home next friday. Yeah!! I have been so lonely without her. She has been such a good friend and companion to me and we kill alot of time together while Keith is working. I hope her transition getting back home will go smoothly even though she is better she is 90 and is going to start requiring more care than I can give her so I am looking into finding her some help for when she comes home. So many things to think about and decide. I don't mind the busy work at all though just ready to have things back to the way things were before. It has been a real wake up call to us though that something could happen to her anyday and we are trying to prepare Mags that grandma won't be around forever and that we should savor every minute with her like it is our last but how do you really get that through to a 7 year old who has really never experienced anything like this. It is a terrible thought but it is life. ( I dont really care for this part of life :( Who does?)
My crazy husbands car looks like he drove it in the demo now bc he drove it to the gas station to get me a drink the other day (trying to do something nice and thoughtful bc I love a fountain drink) and some lady hit his car when he was backing out. Oh my. Now his drivers door doesn't open right and the back door has a big dent in it. If you guys know my husband he is a nervous nelly. I am afraid he is going to stroke out by the age of 30. Any extra event like that for him is to much. LOL!! So the lady is fixing it but I am sure he will be out of a car for a while. He is gonna have to drive the family wagon to the coal mine for a while. I bet the guys he works with are gonna love that.
Other than that things have been fairly mellow around here. Just picking up toys and chasing Sam who has went from walking to running this week. I am starting to plan Sams first birthday party. He is a big eater and I can't wait to see him dig in to his cake. Their first birthdays are always so fun. Connors obsession has changed from Wiggles to Curious George. He even has a George he sleeps with every night (which is incredibly cute except for when George is missing and then he can't sleep). Mags is just getting so grown up and my little buddy. I couldn't make it without her. Shs is such a great help with the boys and a good side kick. She is my partner in crime. She is all pumped to go and see Miley Cyrus on Oct 31 in Louisville. We are going with her best friend Madi and her mom and have had this planned for ever. She has been asking how much longer till October 31st for an eternity now. Anyways that is a little catch up on us. Hope you are all doing well. Here are a few pics of my crazy kids.

Connor played till he could play no more and then fell asleep in my bed watching George. It was monumental to us bc I don't think he has ever taken a nap anyhwere but in his bed. He is a boy who needs his bed to sleep!

I think this was the one moment sam stood still that day!!

My boys are getting musical!! Its all fun until one of them is trying to sleep and the other one is pounding on the piano.

Isn't she just getting so big!!