So this past weekend Maggie and I went on a special overnighter girls trip with her best friend Madi McClure and her mom Stephanie. We left Saturday morning and drove to Louisville and did a little shopping. We took the girls into Justice (a store in the mall) and found them some matching outfits and hats. They thought they were really stylin. Keith has some family that lives in Louisville. His Aunt and Uncle and cousins. His cousin Amber has been one of my best friends for years and I will take any excuse I can to go and visit her. I wish I could move her here to be closer to me. We spent the night with them and as always I wish the trip could have lasted longer. Saturday night was the long anticipated Miley Cyrus concert. As far as that goes the girls loved it. Maggie just was wondering why we couldn't wait to get Miley Cyrus' autograph afterwards. It is a hard concept for a little girl to understand that there are thousands of people around and it would never happen. Anyways I was slightly appalled that what I thought was an innocent role model wasn't quite as innocent as she used to be. Wowzers. Skin tight mini shorts and some questionable dancing are my main memories of that night but the girls really didn't seem to notice to much and as long as they don't try and follow suit I guess we are ok. I just think back to the days when I was Mags age and I really don't remember Tiffany or Debbie Gibson or the New Kids on the Block pulling any of those stunts but I guess that was a whole different era. ( I think it is hilarious that my daughter thinks the 80's was like forever ago. She always says hey mom did they have TV and toilets and things like that in the 80's and I have to tell her yes that wasn't really all that long ago.) After the concert it was off to bed and we got up the next morning and had breakfast with Keith's Aunt Shannon and cousins and then it was back on the road. The whole trip went way to fast. I am looking forward to doing it again soon.
Well while daddy was left in charge of the boys over night Connor came down with the stomach flu. Awesome!! It went through most of the fam before it was finished. But we are all on the mend now..Thank you lord for that. But Keith only got 3 hours of sleep while I was gone. Maybe he will get a new appreciation for what I do. That is not unusual for me lately. Connor is scared of something in his room now so he is rarely sleeping all night. He wakes up screaming everynight. Sam hasn't really been sleeping very well either. Because they have both slept so well for so long I feel like maybe something is wrong so I keep getting up with them. Connor has had the stomach flu so bad I am afraid when he gets up in the night it might be for that reason. Yuck. Oh well I am hoping by age 30 to be able to consistently sleep all night! ( Keep your fingers crossed)
Here are a few pics of our girls weekend.

This is Maggie and Madi at the concert waiting for miley to come out.

Mags wearing her Miley hat!!

Aren't they so cute!!

Ok I had to post this. I was just thinking about wrapping some Christmas gifts and it made me think of what my kids did with my tape last year. There is never a dull moment at our house.
Take care everyone and have a good weekend!!