I love snow!! It is so beautiful. I open the blinds on all my windows so no matter what room I am in I can see it falling. Do I love driving in it? Not really but it gives me a good excuse to stay home and not have to go out. I have in the past taken the kids out to play in the snow and it has never been what I would call a really good time. Yesterday I was feeling ambitious and after baking 2 cakes in our new Easy Bake oven we decided to venture out. After a half an hour of putting a million layers of clothes on each child I put on Keiths snow suit and we were on our way. My kids were in absolute heaven. They had the time of their lives out there. It was a time as a mother where for just a short time everything in the world just seemed right. Like nothing else matters but the sounds of their laughter and the joy on each of their faces. We made snow angels, a pathetic snowman, jumped on the trampoline, and went down their snowy slide. Then we came in for our traditional after snow cup of coffee. I have mentioned it before I think-my kids love coffee!! They are on a cup a week limit! Anyways it was a good time. Here are the pics to prove it!!