This was taken at Battery Park which is where you go to get on the Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.
This is the bull on Wall Street.
Remember that bomb ordeal in NYC that was the weekend after we came home and only one block over from where we stayed. Thank god for keeping us safe. That would have scared me to death if we would have been there for that.
We were like that's a pretty good family photo and then we noticed our family had grown by one. Did you notice my niece to the right. Well needless to say she is getting cropped out before we print it out. At least you got a chance to see how cute she looked at easter in her dress that matched maggies. Hehe.
This is Keiths grandma at her birthday party. Doesn't she look fantastic. She is doing so well. We have been doing some shopping. We have went to Kohls this month two times. She loves to shop and we have been having so much fun. It is so good to have her back to feeling well and being able to do things. I think she really had a good 90th birthday party. She got a lot of nice gifts and we had good food and company.
This is from Connors birthday party. (For some reason my pics are always out of order. ) This was his big gift. He loves to drive this tractor all over the yard. When I mow he gets his tractor out and tries to help me.
Keith was driving Grandpa around showing him things in the yard. Did you know Keith's grandpa grew up in the house next door to ours (where Keith grew up) and he used to milk cows in the barn you can see in the background of this pic. It must be so weird for him to see how things have changed.
This is just a quick pic from Maggies party. I can't believe I have an 8 year old daughter. Where has the time gone.
Here are a few pics of my kids all decked out for Easter. I thought they were way too cute to not share.

Anyways that is the highlights of the last 3 months. I have also done a lot of landscaping work around my house. I am so proud of how it has turned out. I will have to post a picture of that soon. Maggie has got me running like a full fledged soccer mom. She has tutoring, swim team, cheer camp, and Camp Illiana in the month of June so we are always running I feel like. Connor is going to be the ring bearer in Keith's cousin Emily's wedding next weekend. So I hope to get some pics posted of him. Even if I can't get him to walk down the aisle he will still be so handsome in a tux (but keep your fingers crossed he does it.) Hope you are all doing well. Until next time.